4 Jobs that are at risk of being replaced by AI

Roles such as computer programmers and data scientists face potential displacement by AI technologies

Since its launch in November of the previous year, ChatGPT by OpenAI has proven its versatility, contributing to tasks like cover letter writing, creating children's books, and academic essay assistance. It has even attracted attention from tech giants like Google, who noted its potential suitability for entry-level coding positions. Amazon's employees found ChatGPT effective in customer support and document creation, with AI's impact on jobs becoming evident as companies like IBM and BT Group link job cuts to AI implementation.

Contrary to earlier predictions of widespread job loss, a recent Goldman Sachs study suggests that generative AI tools could impact around 300 million full-time jobs globally.

Specifically focusing on tech-related roles, the potential for AI to replace certain jobs becomes evident. Professions such as software developers, web developers, computer programmers, coders, and data scientists face the possibility of AI-driven displacement. Advanced AI technologies like ChatGPT demonstrate the ability to perform complex tasks quickly and accurately, even generating code more efficiently than human programmers. While there is a debate about whether AI will fully replace coders or simply enhance their capabilities, it's clear that AI has the potential to reshape the landscape of tech jobs, potentially leading to increased efficiency but also raising questions about the future of employment in this field.

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