78% of businesses report that AI has led to an increase in employment opportunities

AI has the ability to reshape the workforce

The rise of AI has sparked suspicions about its potential to make traditional jobs obsolete. However, recent data challenges this notion. A study conducted by the Institute for the Future of Work at Imperial College London surveyed over a thousand firms to understand their perceptions of AI. Surprisingly, 78% of respondents reported that AI and automation had led to the creation of new jobs, countering fears of job loss.

Despite this positive trend, 47% of those surveyed acknowledged that AI had eliminated certain job roles. Nevertheless, 67% noted the emergence of new positions, highlighting the unequal impact of the AI revolution on different segments of society. The future of AI remains uncertain, with some predicting more harm than good. Nonetheless, AI is poised to reshape the workforce for decades to come, leaving a lasting impact on the world of work.

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