80% of women's jobs are at risk from generative AI

It is expected that AI will have a significant impact on the healthcare and education sectors

The rise of generative artificial intelligence (AI) has raised concerns about job losses and automation. A recent report from Goldman Sachs reveals that around 300 million full-time jobs in the US and Europe are at risk of automation due to this disruptive technology. However, the impact is not evenly distributed. OpenAI suggests that 80% of workers could see their jobs affected by AI, with women being particularly vulnerable according to new research.

This is because a larger proportion of women are employed in cognitive jobs, which are more susceptible to automation. Industries such as healthcare, education, and office administration, where women make up a significant portion of the workforce, are expected to be heavily impacted.

While generative AI presents challenges to certain job sectors, it also brings opportunities for job creation. Historically, the introduction of machines has led to the emergence of new jobs that didn't exist before. AI can also assist professionals in various fields. By automating repetitive tasks, AI can free up time for professionals to focus on more meaningful interactions.

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