Almost half of CEOs think that AI could replace their jobs

AI can automate mundane tasks and data analysis

A recent survey conducted by edX found that 49% of CEOs believe that AI has the potential to replace "most" or even "all" of their job responsibilities. Surprisingly, 47% of these CEOs see this development as a positive change. The survey encompassed 1,600 full-time U.S. workers, including 800 C-suite executives and CEOs, along with 800 non-executive employees. While AI can automate mundane tasks and data analysis, the "soft skills" that define a good CEO, such as critical thinking, vision, and collaboration, remain challenging for AI to replicate. Consequently, CEOs might see their roles evolve, enabling them to focus more on strategic aspects of their positions.

However, it's not just CEOs facing AI-related changes. The survey indicated that 49% of C-suite executives believe that almost half of the skills within their current workforce will become irrelevant by 2025, with 47% of workers unprepared for the future of work. While non-executive workers expressed less concern about AI replacing their jobs (only 20% believed it could replace "most" or "all" of their roles), the executives acknowledged the need to hire employees with AI skills, with 87% struggling to find such candidates.

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