Collaboration between Umniah and Intela to utilize advanced AI solutions in developing customer service centers in Jordan

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This collaboration will enable Umniah's customers from companies and institutions to enhance their customer experience by accurately converting audio into high-precision texts

In order to enhance the customer experience in the business sector and improve the operational efficiency of customer service centers for Jordanian companies and institutions, Umniah, a subsidiary of the Bahraini Beyon Group, has collaborated with Intela, a company specializing in deep technology and data intelligence. The two companies have signed a memorandum of understanding to enhance Arabic speech-to-text technology in customer service centers using AI. This collaboration aims to increase communication effectiveness and provide accurate reporting, making Umniah the only telecommunications company to offer this technology in customer service centers in Jordan.

Current and potential customers of Amnia, including companies and institutions, can benefit from this technology to analyze and enhance their customer experience by accurately transcribing and rapidly translating and analyzing voice into text. This partnership will also enable companies and institutions to improve their responsiveness to customer needs and requirements, offering a more efficient and effective service, thereby enhancing the customer experience and increasing the value of their interactions.

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