Former DreamWorks CEO thinks that AI has the potential to reduce 90% of employment in the animation industry

This expectation points to the possibility of a fundamental change in the way animated films are produced and created through the use of AI

Former DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffery Katzenberg believes that artificial intelligence (AI) will significantly impact the animation industry, potentially reducing the cost of producing animated films by 90%. Speaking at a Bloomberg New Economy Forum panel in Singapore, Katzenberg compared the traditional process of making animated movies, which involved 500 artists working for five years, to a future where he expects AI to cut that time and labor requirement drastically. While he views AI as a creative tool with enormous potential, it raises concerns about the impact on the livelihoods of animators and where new ideas and stories will originate in a world increasingly dominated by AI.

Katzenberg acknowledges the rapid evolution of technology as a natural progression, akin to previous innovations like the printing press and movie cameras that expanded storytelling and creativity. However, he emphasizes the importance of individual creativity in prompting AI to produce meaningful results and suggests that prompting will become a valuable creative commodity across various storytelling aspects. This development raises questions about the future landscape of the animation industry and how aspiring artists can find opportunities in a world where AI plays a significant role.

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