Google postpones the launch of its AI model 'Gemini' to the next year

The reason for the delay is the poor performance of the "Gemini" model in languages other than English

Google has decided to postpone the launch of the ambitious artificial intelligence model "Gemini," which was expected to compete with "GPT-4" from "OpenAI," to the next year due to language-related issues. Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, stated that the reason for the delay is the poor performance of the "Gemini" model in languages other than English, and it requires further improvement and development in multilingual capabilities. Currently, Google is working on testing smaller versions of "Gemini," while the larger model is still under development, and it is likely that the new Google model will follow the same concept as "GPT-4" in using multiple artificial intelligence models.

Google has outperformed "OpenAI" in the data and computing field, and no technology company, whether large or emerging, has been able to release a model that comes close to "GPT-4" since March of last year. "GPT-4" is considered more advanced, complex, and costly, and the new model from Google is likely to be based on the same principles.

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