Liquid AI secured $37.6M in funding to build general-purpose AI systems

The company is working on developing a new generation of AI foundation models that prioritize environmental responsibility

Boston-based Liquid AI, a developer of domain-specific and general-purpose AI systems powered by Liquid foundation models, secured $37.6 million in Seed funding. With this funding, Liquid AI plans to expand its operations and further develop its innovative AI technologies.

Liquid AI was founded by a team of MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) scientists, including Ramin Hasani, Mathias Lechner, Alexander Amini, and Daniela Rus. Their mission is to create a new generation of AI foundation models that prioritize environmental responsibility, aiming to significantly reduce the carbon footprint associated with foundational AI models. The investment will enable Liquid AI to advance its groundbreaking work in this field and continue its commitment to sustainable AI development.

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