Meet Lila Ibrahim: Chief Operating Officer of Google DeepMind

Lila Ibrahim has made it her goal to ensure the ethical development of AI

In 2017, Lila Ibrahim embarked on a journey that would place her at the helm of one of the most renowned artificial intelligence (AI) companies in the world. As the Chief Operating Officer of Google DeepMind, her arrival was marked by a rigorous 50-hour interview process, reflecting both her commitment and the profound significance of the role she was about to undertake.

Ibrahim's extensive background, spanning over two decades in the tech industry, served as a testament to her capability. With notable stints at Intel, VC firm Kleiner Perkins, and ed-tech startup Coursera, she possessed a wealth of experience that uniquely equipped her for this position.

DeepMind, often described as a fusion of a startup, academic lab, and global tech behemoth, had been at the forefront of AI research long before it was in the public eye. Their commitment to responsible AI was exemplified by their decision not to release a technology similar to ChatGPT, known as Gopher, due to concerns about its accuracy.

Lila Ibrahim's role extended beyond managing DeepMind's day-to-day operations; she was also entrusted with leading the company's efforts in AI responsibility and governance. Her involvement in these crucial areas underscored the commitment to ensuring AI technologies are developed safely and ethically.

In May, Ibrahim, along with DeepMind's founders, Demis Hassabis and Shane Legg, made a significant declaration. They asserted that risks from AI should be treated with the same seriousness as those from pandemics and nuclear war.

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