Only 13% of employees have received AI training, despite a 2,000% surge in AI job openings

29% of employees in the United States utilize AI in their roles

The rise of generative AI has opened up numerous opportunities in a burgeoning sector. Generative AI, such as Large Language Models (LLMs), has the potential to automate various manual processes, leading to a staggering 2,000% increase in AI-related job offerings worldwide. An analysis by Ronstadt found a twentyfold increase in AI job postings. However, despite this growth, current employees are receiving limited AI training, with only around 13% having the opportunity to gain AI-related skills through their employers, which could jeopardize their job security.

Interestingly, employers seem more inclined to hire already-trained AI professionals than invest in training their existing workforce. About 52% of respondents in a survey believe that AI-related training can boost their career prospects within their companies, and 53% recognize AI's impact, regardless of their personal proficiency. In the US, 29% of workers are already utilizing AI in their roles, with 42% expressing enthusiasm about its future implications.

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