The European Union is aiming to reach a consensus on the globe's inaugural AI legislation

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The EU is rushing to pass the world's first comprehensive AI law, driven by the urgency sparked by ChatGPT's emergence last year

The European Union is in the midst of intense negotiations to establish comprehensive regulations for artificial intelligence (AI), including generative AI like ChatGPT. This initiative gained urgency due to the rapid advancements in AI technology, exemplified by ChatGPT's ability to generate poems and essays. While AI proponents see it as transformative for various sectors, there are concerns about its societal risks. The EU aims to create strong legal frameworks to safeguard citizens' rights, especially regarding privacy and data protection. However, debates over regulating general-purpose AI and concerns about stifling innovation and competitiveness among European AI companies have complicated negotiations. Talks are ongoing, with a desire to finalize the law by the end of 2023.

One of the major challenges in these negotiations is how to regulate foundation models capable of various tasks. France, Germany, and Italy advocate excluding these models from regulation, while the European Parliament insists on their regulation for transparency. The debate also surrounds remote biometric surveillance, with the EU Parliament pushing for a ban on "real-time" systems, while member states oppose it. Despite these hurdles, there is hope for an agreement, as significant progress has been made in the negotiations. This effort aligns with global concerns about AI, with the United States also taking steps to regulate AI to mitigate its potential risks.

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