The implementation of AI cameras for identifying driving violations may be extended nationwide in the UK

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During the smart camera trial, 590 individuals were caught without seatbelts, and 40 people were using their phones while driving

New AI cameras are set to be deployed across the UK to detect drivers using mobile phones and not wearing seatbelts. After successful trials in Devon and Cornwall, where 590 people were caught without seatbelts and 40 using their phones while driving, the technology will be used to scan the inside of cars and issue warnings or punishments accordingly.

Kate Goldsmith, who lost her daughter Aimee in an accident caused by a distracted driver, supports the move and emphasizes the need for stricter enforcement of mobile phone usage laws. The AA Charitable Trust also advocates for the widespread adoption of these AI detectors, given that 93 percent of road users have witnessed phone use behind the wheel, while the number of fixed penalty notices has declined significantly from 162,400 in 2011 to 19,700 in the past year.

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