The job market for Artificial Intelligence experienced a 60% growth in 2023

Positions such as data researchers and systems engineers have seen substantial demand

The landscape of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is undergoing a significant transformation due to technological advancements and widespread commercial adoption. This shift has not only gained media and public attention but has also profoundly impacted the global job market. Deel, a global Human Resources startup, has conducted an annual report on international hiring from September 2022 to September 2023, revealing substantial growth in the recruitment of AI specialists.

The report highlights a notable increase in the hiring of specialized AI roles worldwide, with more than 5,000 active AI-related contracts involving over 2,100 companies by September 2023. Positions such as data researchers and systems engineers have seen substantial demand. Between September 2021 and 2023, Deel recorded a 60% increase in AI-related hires and a 59% growth in companies recruiting for AI, data science, and systems engineering roles. Leading in these hirings are the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Germany, with Canada taking the lead in the number of AI workers hired.

The report also sheds light on regional salary variations, showcasing Latin America's increasing average AI specialist salary from USD $71,000 in September 2022 to USD $73,000 in September 2023. This data underscores the global priority of AI specialist roles, regardless of the geographical region. Innovative hiring models like the Employer-of-Record (EOR) have facilitated the swift incorporation of highly qualified AI talent across borders, as AI's internationalization continues to expand.

Key cities like Toronto, Bangalore, London, Lahore, Berlin, and Buenos Aires have witnessed a surge in AI professional hiring. Notably, the United Kingdom and Canada have been hiring AI professionals from the United States. The diversification and globalization of AI talent are on the rise, signaling a shift in job demands and companies' hiring strategies, marking a new era in the technology and employment landscape.

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