The jobs most vulnerable to being replaced by AI

A United Nations study has pointed out that jobs will be adversely impacted by the advancement of AI

A recent report indicates that more than two-thirds of jobs are at risk of disappearing due to advancements in AI, according to the British newspaper "Daily Mail." An analytical study was conducted through a specialized employment website, examining approximately 55 million vacant positions published between August 2022 and July 2023, with around 2600 different skills taken into account in this study. The study found that a diverse range of professions face significant threats from AI, including software engineers, lawyers, accountants, journalists, and bankers.

On the other hand, truck drivers, nurses, chefs, construction workers, and janitors were found to be the safest from the impact of technology on their jobs. The report also indicates that an increased likelihood of remote job performance increases the risk of replacement by artificial intelligence. A previous United Nations study confirmed that many jobs and industries will be negatively affected by the advancement of technology in the field of AI, and a report from the United Nations' International Labor Organization warns of the challenging impact of artificial intelligence on employment.

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