The top 11 gen AI roles that companies are actively recruiting for.

These roles are essential to support the integration of generative AI technology into businesses

Organizations are optimistic about the adoption of generative AI (gen AI) in the workplace due to its potential to streamline processes, develop proprietary AI technology, and reduce manual tasks. A recent survey found that many IT organizations are actively exploring gen AI use cases, with content creation, data analytics, software development, business insights, customer support, product development, security, and process automation being the most anticipated applications in the next 6-12 months. Companies believe that gen AI will enhance productivity and lead to better business outcomes.

However, as gen AI gains popularity, there is a growing demand for various roles to help design, develop, implement, and maintain gen AI technology within organizations. Here are the top 11 roles companies are hiring or planning to hire for to support their gen AI strategies:

1. Data Scientist: Responsible for extracting insights from customer and business data using analytics and AI, building predictive models, and transitioning to AI-infused software.

2. Machine Learning Engineer: Focuses on transforming business needs into machine learning projects, developing and deploying scalable solutions, and making machine learning accessible across the organization.

3. AI Researcher: Identifies the best applications of AI within the business, develops new models and algorithms, and improves the efficiency of generative AI tools and systems.

4. Algorithm Engineer: Builds and implements algorithms for software and computer systems to achieve specific tasks and business needs, addressing complex computational problems.

5. Deep Learning Engineer: Heads the research, development, and maintenance of algorithms informing AI and machine learning systems, crucial for developing gen AI tools and resources.

6. NLP Engineer: Specializes in Natural Language Processing (NLP) to improve communication and develop chatbots and AI services that interact effectively with users.

7. AI Chatbot Developer: Focuses on creating sophisticated chatbot tools to streamline customer service, appointment scheduling, and various other business functions.

8. Prompt Engineer: Ensures that gen AI tools can accurately assess user prompts and deliver the correct information, vital for text-to-text and text-to-image AI models.

9. Chief AI Officer: Oversees AI strategy development, data management, ethics, compliance, risk management, and talent acquisition related to AI in the organization.

10. AI Writer: Collaborates with AI for content creation, editing and reworking gen AI-generated content to make it more human and relatable.

11. AI Artist: Utilizes gen AI tools for creating unique content, edits images, and contributes to art-related content for marketing, product visuals, and more.

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