This ChatGPT Plugin lets you create presentations within ChatGPT

The Smart Slides ChatGPT plugin crafts a presentation and provides a downloadable link.

The Smart Slides ChatGPT plugin allows users to create AI-powered slide presentations quickly. After inputting content, the plugin crafts a presentation and provides a downloadable link.

Using the Smart Slides Plugin with ChatGPT:

1.Authorize Access: To enable Smart Slides, enter your email, verify with a one-time password, and grant the plugin access to your ChatGPT chat.

2. Prepare Content: Draft titles and points for each slide.

3.Instruct ChatGPT: Direct ChatGPT to create a slide by saying, “Create a slide with [Title] and these points: [Point 1, Point 2, …]”.

4. Repeat for Multiple Slides: Use step 3 for each slide in your presentation.

5. Retrieve Presentation Link: Once all content is provided, request the final presentation link.

6.Download & View: Use the provided link to download and view your presentation.

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