Why AI differs from human intelligence

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AI fundamentally differs from human intelligence as it lacks embodied experiences and emotions

A recent study argues that the perception of AI intelligence is clouded by linguistic confusion. While AI models like ChatGPT can generate impressive text, they lack true understanding and consciousness. Unlike humans, AI lacks embodied experiences, emotions, and the fundamental human elements of caring, survival, and concern for the world. This linguistic misunderstanding leads to the misconception that AI possesses human-like intelligence, even though it primarily generates text based on statistical patterns and can propagate biases and harmful content without awareness.

The study, led by Anthony Chemero from the University of Cincinnati, emphasizes that AI, while useful, differs significantly from human intelligence due to its lack of embodiment and emotional engagement with the world. AI, represented by large language models, is fundamentally different from human cognition and does not possess the capacity to care about its own survival or the world it exists in, making it an intelligent but fundamentally distinct entity from humans.

In essence, the study highlights the need to recognize the fundamental differences between AI and human intelligence, dispelling the linguistic confusion surrounding AI's capabilities and limitations.

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