A rumored enhanced version of Siri, equipped with advanced AI features, is expected to make its debut at WWDC 2024

Apple's strategy for iOS 18 includes improving Siri and adding AI capabilities to enhance user experience and drive sales

Apple is gearing up to compete with Google by introducing AI-based features in iOS 18. A notable tipster, @Tech_Reve, suggests that Apple plans to leverage a Large Language Model (LLM) to enhance Siri, positioning it as the ultimate virtual assistant and a formidable AI application.

LLM, similar to models used in chatbots like ChatGPT, can understand a wide range of conversations and respond accurately. This move is expected to boost iPhone 16 series sales, even though the hardware changes are minimal compared to previous models. The upgraded Siri is anticipated to debut at the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in June 2024 and will be available on the iPhone 16 series and future models.

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