Samsung unveils Samsung Gauss, an AI model capable of generating text, code, and images similar to ChatGPT

Samsung Gauss Language is a substantial language model capable of comprehending human language and responding to inquiries similar to ChatGPT

Samsung has introduced its own generative AI model, called Samsung Gauss. Developed by Samsung Research, Samsung Gauss consists of three tools: Samsung Gauss Language, Samsung Gauss Code, and Samsung Gauss Image.

Samsung Gauss Language is a robust language model similar to ChatGPT, capable of enhancing productivity by assisting with tasks such as email writing, document summarization, and language translation. Samsung plans to integrate this language model into its devices. Samsung Gauss Code is designed to assist developers in writing code efficiently, supporting code description and test case generation. Meanwhile, Samsung Gauss Image offers image generation and editing capabilities.

Currently, Samsung Gauss is in internal use but is expected to become available to the public in the near future. Samsung aims to release the Galaxy S24 based on this generative AI model in 2024. Additionally, Samsung has established an AI Red Team to oversee security and privacy concerns throughout AI development, emphasizing ethical AI principles.

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