Tips for designing prompts : Part two

When designing prompts, prioritize clarity by being specific and instruct the AI model on what actions to take for better results

When designing prompts, it's important to follow these general tips:

1- Avoid Impreciseness: Be specific and direct in your prompts to improve clarity and effectiveness. For example, instead of a vague prompt like "Explain the concept of prompt engineering," use a specific one like "Use 2-3 sentences to explain the concept of prompt engineering to a high school student."

2- Focus on What to Do: Instead of telling what not to do, instruct what to do. This encourages specificity and helps guide the model toward desired responses. For example, a better prompt for a movie recommendation chatbot would be: "The agent should recommend a movie from the top global trending movies and avoid asking for user preferences or personal information. If no recommendation is available, respond with 'Sorry, couldn't find a movie to recommend today.'"

By focusing on what the agent should do, you provide a roadmap for the AI model to follow, increasing the likelihood of generating responses that align with your goals and instructions. This approach encourages specificity and clarity in the model's output.

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